Service Dog Training Program
Rock Hill & York, SC
As of 2021, we are located in York, South Carolina area. We moved from Central Florida, after years of
success, to escape over development and the crowds.Our Director, Norma Ross, has over 40 years of experience training dogs.
Our program has successfully certified over 500 Full Service dog teams since 2008.
Please contact us if you are seeking a quality puppy or young dog. We do have contacts for local breeders, trainers
and rescue groups to locate a dog for your consideration. Call the office 803-792-9509 for more info.
Train the dog you currently have
Our program is for all veterans who have honorably served our country and first responders. Age is never a factor. Learn More...
TO APPLY, PLEASE SELECT AND OPTION FROM BELOW. Our program is 100% FREE to qualified applicants.
QUESTIONS about our Goldador breeding program? Email n.ross@pawsitiveaction.org​​​​​
Owner-Trained Program
Rock Hill, SC Location
Do you already own a dog?
Do you think your dog has what it takes to become a fully trained service dog?
All service dog candidates must pass a mandatory temperament evaluation.
Not all dogs are suitable to become service dogs.
Service dogs MUST be "rock solid" to be effective at their job.
Certain breeds of dogs have been bred for generations to provide specific tasks such as guarding or fighting.
Each dog is evaluated on a case by case basis.
ALL dogs MUST be people and ANIMAL FRIENDLY.
QUESTIONS? Email n.ross@pawsitiveaction.org
Do you live outside our local area?
Our program is currently available to qualified veterans, first responders, educators
and persons with a medically diagnosed disability who
live within 90 minutes of our
training facility located in Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Pawsitive Action past clients who live outside our current service area, please contact
Norma Ross, if you seeking a Pawsitive Action bred puppy or young adult. 407-506-3818
Please visit our Facebook page or our online photo gallery for our success stories.